Member Highlight: Jeremy Berger
We highlight Jeremy Berger, a member who has donated his time and effort in making a great video content for the Brewminaries. He tells us about what he has brewing, his brewing aspirations, and shares an open fermentation Wheat Beer recipe!
Partigyle Brewing
Splitting one grist into two beers! I built a basic English ale recipe to produce a Barleywine and an English Pale Ale.
Member Highlight: Daniel Evar
We highlight Daniel Evar, a member who has recently won an award for his IPA at the Homebrew Takedown. He tells us about what he has brewing, his brewing aspirations, and shares a Whiskey Porter recipe!
Decoction Experiment Results
We had three judges and 24 Brewminaries taste and rate the beers brewed to compare three variations of mashing.
Go Ferment a Watermelon!
I took it upon myself to find a 17 lbs watermelon and juice it! Then ferment it... but something went horribly wrong. 🍉
Brew Day: Workmans Pint Porter
Barry Wasser's brew day recap for Workman's Pint Porter: I was going back and forth trying to decide what I was going to brew next. I'd already scaled up a porter recipe in BeerSmith and only needed to switch the yeast...
Shezmu Takes Second!
On March 7th, Brewminary Merlin U Ward competed in the friendly, inaugural Coney Island Homebrew Competition at Peggy O'neil's, taking second with his American Amber Ale, Shezmu