Brewminaries Present: Global
An exploration of Fermented Beverages from around the world
Mixed sixpacks were contactlessly delivered to our members
Six PACK Options
Australian Sparkling Ale (brewed by James Turnbull) - Australia
Rice Lager (brewed by Alex Kalaf) - Japan
Kveik Beer (brewed by Dustin Wheeler) - Norway
Pulque (brewed by Theresa Ten Eyck) - Mexico
Irish Red Ale (brewed by Daniel Smyth) - Ireland
Kölsch (brewed by Rachel and George Zeiss) - Germany
New Zealand Pilsner (brewed by Roman Goyenko) - New Zealand
Piwo Grodziskie (brewed by Nick Meyer) - Poland
Mexican Lager (brewed by Brett Vanderbrook) - Mexico
New England IPA (brewed by Mike Lee) - USA
London Brown Ale (brewed by Claudine Jones-Bourne) - England
Trappist Single (brewed by Pia Sen and Russell Smith) - Belgium
Sake (brewed by Ben Kainz) - Japan
Sahti (brewed by Tyler Cannon) - Finland
Keptinis (brewed by Josh Vickery and Joseph Zhong) - Lithuania
Cascadian Dark Ale (brewed by Oliver Isik) - USA
Extra Special Bitter (brewed by Andy Striph) - England
French Saison (brewed by Carrie Soom) - Belgium
All members by participating in this event agree that they hold harmless the Brewminaries, Inc. and their designated officers of any responsibility and/or liability of illness or incapacitation from participating.
Six pack labels made with Stamen Designs Watercolor Tiles and OpenStreetMap Data in R under CCA